you're a mystery yourself
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
1:40 PM

April 12th, Raining

I just wanna get away from all these chaos. Away from frustrations for simply a few precious days, to get the peace I so deserved. So when spending three days and two days at Meys beach appealed to me, I grabbed the chance. What could be more fantastic than having three peaceful days all by myself with unlimited cocktails at one of the most beautiful beach in Caros again? Without wasting any time, I packed my bag and headed down to Meys.

April 13th, Sunny

"Welcome to Meys Beach Inn, Miss Allso. Your room umber is 56, enjoy yourself and have a nice day." The friendly receptionist passed me my keys and I hurried to my room with impatience. All I needed now was a nice long bath and a good sleep. It didn't matter to me if the sky was so blue and laced with white fluffy clouds or that the sea looked so crystal clear and a gorgeous mixture colours of turquoise and iris blue, I probably should relax at the sea shore. But not now. With my

Running the hot water, I allowed the pleasure of the soothing, hot water to calm both my body and soul. It had been a long week. Not only I lost everything, I almost lost my sanity too. I needed a long break to clear the clutter in my mind. It was only 1pm when I took some pills to sleep, deciding to wake up only for dinner and spending time the way I exactly wanted to.

April 13th -At 5.30pm-

If the sky in the day was stunning enough, evening sunset was simply breathtaking; sun set with outstanding golden rays in a blend of an alluring purple, powder pink and refreshing orange. Like an exquisite painting, it totally blew my mind away. It was worth my money to come to this expensive trip.

There was no one at the opened shelter cafe but one young child. It was strange that she was alone, wearing a dirty, long dress. Clutching her teddy bear close to her chest, she seemed to be muttering to herself at one of the table.

I sat far away from her as she had this crazy look on her little face that spelled danger. Slipping on my hot latte, I looked up and spotted the child walking towards me with a limp. Freezing at the moment, I realised she was leaving a trail of blood on the floor and oozing more blood as she limped forward. As the waiter served me my meal, he did not seem to notice her as she stood in front of me and smiled. There were bloody cuts appearing on her everywhere and her body soon started to fall apart - Eyes grew so big and popped out of her sockets, nose and ears dropped into my soup as she leaned forward towards me.

I couldn't moved. I wanted to scream, to run away from her but I could not move my body at all. Continuing to smile and I saw how sharp her teeth were. She opened her mouth slowly and sent her disgusting, slimy tongue to my face!

Of course I screamed. Loud and wildly. With my both hand, I tried to clean the blood residue and slim off my face hard and fanatically.

Only to find myself on the bed in the inn's room. I grabbed my watch and looked at the date and time - 13th April, 5.30pm.


It was a horrible nightmare, with so much blood and gore. All I wanted now was a glass of whiskey to washed down the nausea in my stomach. I headed down to the bar at the beach but a chill ran down my spine as I found the same little girl in my nightmare waiting in front of the bar. This time she was clutching her head with both hands across her chest, laughing hysterically at me. Stretching out both her hands, she offered me her hideous head which was smeared with dried blood and maggots worming in and out through her mouth.

I found my long lost voice and screamed my head off, running in the opposite direction as fast as I could. Yet as agile I was, I was never a match for a ghoul who could fly. In a split second, she overcame me and darkness covered both my eyes.


The moment I opened my eyes, I found myself shaking with fear and cold.

I was back in the inn's room again.

Reaching for my watch, it read - 13th April, 5.30pm.


She had appeared again! Clutching her teddy bear tightly with both her hands, she took off as quickly as she could to the cafe to hide.

'Mummy, I'm scared... Where are you? Why did you left me here alone?'

Little Zoe hid under a table and tried to stay as quiet as she could. She was hopeful to avoid the ghoul but it soon proved she could never escaped them. Just then, she felt a very cold shiver and turned around to see the ghoul reaching for her with rotten hands. Foul smelling flesh fell apart gradually as the ghoul grabbed Zoe's bear and tore. 'My teddy bear! It's the only thing from my mummy! Give me back!' Zoe yelled and struggled to retrieved her damaged, old plush toy.

Anguish tears fell as she tried to fight back the ghoul which appeared from nowhere. Pain shot through Zoe's body as the ghoul torn at her limbs, one by one. Blood immediately gushed out through her wounds and sent Zoe fallen to the ground with extremely pain. The last thing she saw was the ghoul munching at her left arm which was ripped apart from her body.


The old clock tower struck just as Zoe woke up on the beach. She got up quickly and looked at the time shown on the clock tower behind her.


She had to hide. Where should she run to now?

Grabbing her teddy bear which was on the sandy shore, she turned and ran.

It had happened again, waking up on the beach with only her teddy bear at 5.30pm. It was happening over and over again.

Why did mummy did this to her? Made her experienced this gruesome pain and it was happening endlessly. Why mummy?


13th April, 5.30pm.

'This was great! Lots of tourists were all rushing to Meys Beach to experience the appalling past, to soak up the grisly atmosphere. Meys Beach is getting popular~', thought by the tour guide who was leading this tour.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this way please. Everyone are to follow me and avoid exploring Meys beach all by yourselves. This is the famous Meys beach, which legend said, was haunted by Miss Allso and her daughter. Miss Allso had an abortion and cremated her child. It was rumored that she had her daughter, little Zoe's ashes disposed into this sea. Hence, her daughter was found haunting at this beach. A few months after the abortion, Miss Allso was found dead from a deadly combination of sleeping pills and alcohol in room 56. We will be heading there after this and it was discovered that even after cleaning up room 56, it would bo restored back to the way when Miss Allso was found dead. Mysterious wine glass and pills could be found and the owner of Meys Beach Inn gave up cleaning the room and room 56 is now a tourist attraction for all of you to expore. It was rumored that both Miss Allso and her daughter Zoe were not only haunting this area but also haunting each other. If you are fortunate enough, both the mother and little Zoe could be spotted at 5.30pm everyday, screaming hysterically, crying painfully and changing their appearances gruesomely. Unfortunately, we could never be sure where they would be appearing at. Now, everyone stopping taking pictures, we are heading to the famous room 56. After exploring, dinner will be served at the opened shelter cafe that oversee this beautiful sea and the starry sky. Follow me!"

As everyone left, the sunset seemed to bask in sorrow and submerged itself into the sea of darkness, joined by the silent screams of Miss Allso and little Zoe...

&the beauty.


I'm a thinker, a survivor, a winner =)

loves & hates

Put what you LOVE and HATE here.

love~ cats, trees, moonlight, night breeze, sea breeze, sunset, stories n books, reading, coffee, morning air, purple, black, gold, blue, turquoise...

hates~ impolite people, inconsiderate people, DIRTY TOILETS, unwanted attentions, sour plum n stress...


new wallet * a vacation * diploma in psychology * a new love * new clothes * new fragrance


other worlds

aH jIaO
aH mEi
aH bAo
sUeT sUeT


November 2009
September 2010
October 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.